
2010年10月11日 星期一

[轉貼] 期待更完善的台灣民主 by 謝世民



  • 2010-10-11
  • 中國時報
  • 【謝世民】

     在大家熱烈慶祝建國即將百年的時刻,我們仍需思考,台灣是一個各方面仍然 有待完善的民主社會。甚至就民主本身而言,台灣雖然已經受到廣泛的肯定,但通常也被國際學界列為新興民主國家。台灣的民主需要進一步鞏固與深化,應該是國 人目前的共識,不過,對於如何深化台灣的民主,大家仍有不少歧見。最近的實例是,內政部公開表示要推行不在籍投票制度,但立即受到在野黨的質疑,而針對在 野黨不斷倡議的「調降公投門檻」,執政黨似乎不會同意。然而,就民主的深化而言,朝野兩大黨的立場其實各有盲點。 

2010年10月1日 星期五

[公視有話好說] 小黨、社運、年輕人 台灣選舉有他們的份嗎?


100929小黨、社運、年輕人 台灣選舉有他們的份嗎? 1


100929小黨、社運、年輕人 台灣選舉有他們的份嗎? 2




日日春關懷協會秘書長、人民老大參政團北市中正萬華議員參選人 鍾君竺

資深工運人士 鄭村棋

綠黨秘書長、台北市大安文山市議員參選人 張宏林

綠黨台北市南港內湖市議員參選人 李盈萱

CALL-IN 小黨、社運、年輕人...台灣選舉有他們的份嗎?

2010年9月29日 星期三

[轉載] 我們的時代-台灣民主治理與公民社會的落差


  • 2010-09-29
  • 中國時報
  • 【張鐵志】




2010年9月27日 星期一

2010/09/24 第四次讀書會報告綱要

時間:2010/09/24 晚上六點~九點半
研讀內容:Joshua Cohen. “For a Democratic Society.” The Cambridge Companion to Rawls. 86-138.
Joshua Cohen, For a Democracy Society


2010年9月17日 星期五

2009年01月08日 人權讀書會報告綱要(博文)

時    間:2010年01月08日 晚上六點~九點半
地    點:東吳大學外雙溪校區第二教研大樓十樓
內    容:Thomas W. Pogge, “World poverty and human rights: cosmopolitan responsibilities and reforms” 2008  第七章  p.174~201

2010年9月16日 星期四

2009年01月08日 人權讀書會報告綱要(博詩)

時    間:2010年01月08日 晚上六點~九點半
地    點:東吳大學外雙溪校區第二教研大樓十樓
內    容:Thomas W. Pogge, “World poverty and human rights: cosmopolitan responsibilities and reforms” 2008  第八章  p.202~221

Ch.8 Eradicating Systemic Poverty: Brief for a Global Resources Dividend

8.0 Introduction

8.1 Radical inequality and our responsibility
一、Two ways of conceiving the global poverty as a moral challenge:
I.    Fail to fulfill our “positive” duty to help persons in acute distress.
                    i.        It’s easy to substantiate.
                  ii.        Weaker and more discretionary moral reason
II.  fail to fulfill our more stringent “negative” duty not to uphold injustice, not contribute to or profit from the unjust impoverishment of others.
                    i.        Important for both of ourselves and the poor
二、What’s radical inequality?
①.      The worse-off are very badly off in absolute terms.
②.      They are also very badly off in relative terms – very much worse off than many others.
③.      The inequality is impervious: it is difficult or impossible for the worse-off substantially to improve their lot; and most of the better-off never experience life at the bottom for even a few months and have no vivid idea of what it is like to live in that way.
④.      The inequality is pervasive: it concerns not merely some aspects of life, such as the climate or access to natural beauty or high culture, but most aspects or all.
⑤.      The inequality is avoidable: the better-off can improve the circumstances of the worse-off without becoming badly off themselves.
三、什麼情況下,上述的radical inequality被視為不正義,且違反了消極義務呢?

2009年01月08日 人權讀書會報告綱要(宗翰)

時    間:2010年01月08日 晚上六點~九點半
地    點:東吳大學外雙溪校區第二教研大樓十樓
內    容:Thomas W. Pogge, “World poverty and human rights: cosmopolitan responsibilities and reforms” 2008  第五章  p.124~151

Chapter 5 the Bounds of Nationalism

1.     Nationalism—sentiments, ideologies, and social movements→ commitments to a nation; a potential self-sustaining community of persons bound together by a shared history and culture (the author’s view). Revisionist instances of nationalism-- sentiments, ideologies, and social movements→ gain power, political autonomy, and territory for a nation.
2.     Most citizens of the affluent countries→ nationalists; revisionists→ extreme ones. (conservative nationalism)
3.     Conservative nationalism as normative positions (critical examination)→unjustifiable extremes →moderation of it
4.     Universalistic nationalism (particularistic one not worth serious moral discussion)—all nations can be valuable communities and can, by realizing this potential, generate the same obligations and prerogatives for their member, when they are similarly placed in the relevant respects. –common nationalism and lofty nationalism (patriotism and priority for compatriots)
5.     The character of states—the scope and strength of its members’ obligations vis-à-vis compatriots and of their prerogative vis-à-vis foreigners.
6.     The scope of the nationalists priorities (the weight of the asserted nationalist priorities)—there are firm limits to their application and hence contexts in which they cannot plausibly be invoked at all. 
